Sign the guestbook
Bruno Dufrien

31.12.2008 11:21:18 AM
Hello from France.
Simply the best radio !
Thanks for all, keep on playing such cool music.
Wish a happy new year to all the slow radio community !
Anderson Anderson Jeremias

31.12.2008 03:57:26 AM
I created one comunity in the orkut to those who like this station...feel free to join us if u like it...
Philippe Ansome

30.12.2008 11:37:17 PM
titi... SlowRadio toute la journée ;)
Soare Symmo

30.12.2008 04:23:02 PM
Great radio, beautiful music, thank you for making our days brighter.
Happy New Year 2009!!!!!!!!!
Amira Ammoura

30.12.2008 12:58:04 PM
thank u slow radio and wish u the best.................
Rosario Annie

Puerto Rico
30.12.2008 02:09:06 AM
Great station....I listen to it all the time. Happy New Year to all listeners.
Assouma Assma

29.12.2008 08:28:13 PM
happy new year 2009!to all lovers and listeners of Slow Radio. great music.Hope for World Peace this year,prosperity and love....
Daniel Wilbur Daniel Wilbur

Czech Republic
29.12.2008 06:33:48 AM
Wonderful site, great radio, lovely music. Thank you, have a cool year 2009. Daniel
Issam Issam

United Arab Emirates
29.12.2008 04:26:55 AM
Simply the best radio station. Slow radio has transformed the people’s harsh environment to love, peace, and spiritual environment. I love slow radio and wish lot of prosperity for slow radio in the future.
Fan Xj

28.12.2008 10:47:15 AM
Keep Up the good work
You make T H E diffference